Beginner’s Guide to SEO

SEO is a very vast topic and I have read some courses on the subject. However, the best way to learn is to implement things.

So I am writing this Blog to work on my writing skills, and note my learnings.

Here’s the key summary so far:

SEO 101

  1. What is SEO?

SEO is Search Engine Optimization. The reason why knowing SEO is very essential is because it allows us to generate free traffic to our website.

2. How to Learn SEO

  1. Courses: There are multiple courses available online. Brief summary of the courses: At first, it is important to know the key terms of SEO. These are:
    1. SERP: Search Engine Results Page
    2. Meta Tag: Instructions that you want to give your search engine on how you want your web page to be treated. This is done via a Robots.txt meta tag in the <Head> of the HTML Page. Index/ No Index tells whether the page should be crawled and searched in the search engine ( No Index means telling the search engine that you don’t want to page to be included in search results No Archive tag: Restrict engine from saving cached copy ( particularly useful in ecommerce) Follow/No Follow: Whether links should be followed
    3. Keywords: Keywords are phrases that make it possible for people to find your site content on the web. This is the most important part of SEO. Keyword research is a vast topic in itself. Here are the key Keyword Research Tools: a) b) Google Suggest c) Ahrefs d) SEMrush

4. Once you find keywords, understand the types of keywords that you can rank for.

There are Single phrases keywords ( example T Shirts) But it is also useful to rank for 2-3 words keywords ( e.g Blue T Shirt ) Best is Long Tail Keywords which use 4-5 words ( eg. Blue Indian Apparel T Shirt)

That’s it for now. Once you have your keywords list ready.

Let’s head over to the next post for the next steps in SEO.

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